
What are roles?

Posted by Arthur Lysenko, Modified:

Roles determine what a user can do in Apa and what he can not do.

There are 4 roles in Apa:

  1. Account Owner
  2. Account Admin
  3. Project Admin
  4. Team Member

Only Account Owner and Account Admin can assign roles to other team members (on People page).

Account Owner is a role with maximum level of permissions.

Team Member - role with least (just enough) permissions to work on any Project.

Below is more concrete chart describing what roles you need to perform various actions in Apa.

As you will see for most administrative tasks project_admin role is enough.

Image title

When you change someone's role to Account Admin a person will be automatically added to all projects.

When you change someone's role to Project Admin a person wil be automatically added to selected projects.


Further reading:

Account Owner is the 'king' in Apa - he can do anything.

Usually the first thing he will do - is to assign an Account Admin role to another user so now that person will be responsible for managing Apa account and Account Owner can now relax and from time to time add credits to his Apa account allowing others to work without access interruptions.

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